After the fall of Cadia at the hands of Abaddon the Despoiler and his unholy 13th Black Crusade, a rent in the very fabric of the materium, stretching from the Eye of Terror to the Hadex Anomaly, bisected the Imperium of Man. The segment of the galaxy that still fell under the light of Holy Terra became known as the Imperium Sanctus. The other side, where the beatific light of the god-emperor’s Astronomican, the beacon that guided humanity in the roiling chaos of Warp Travel, was covered in evil darkness, would become known as the Imperium Nihilis.

In the wake of the rebirth of the Primarch Roboute Guilliman, Avenging Son of the Emperor of Mankind, and gene father of the former XIIIth Legion Ultramarines, the Indomitus Crusade swept across the galaxy. Entire systems that had fallen to the corrupting power of Chaos, the scourge of xenos encroachment, and simple human rebellion were brought back into the fold of the Imperium. For many, the Indomitus Crusade marked the greatest hope for mankind since the first days of the Horus Heresy.

As more and more systems were reconquered, so too did trade begin to flourish once again between the far flung worlds of the Imperium. The High Lords of Terra, now serving as advisors to the returned Guilliman, who was bestowed the title of Lord Commander of the Imperium, drafted new Warrants of Trade, the precious documents that bestowed the will and the authority of the Imperium on the select few who were deemed worthy to become Rogue Traders, the semi-autonomous polymaths who travelled into the darkest corners of the galaxy, spreading the Imperial light, often reflecting from coffers of golden Thrones...